Pimpin pimpin pimpin, ladies and gentlemen as we ride out, could we have all the real pimps, Please put both of your pinky fingers high in the air,
Now ladies look around wit me, lets see if We can weed some of these niggas out, cause it's no way that all these niggas could be pimpin,

Now If you happen to see a nigga wit two sweat patches up under his arms, look like he been swimmin In shoulder height water, please tell that nigga, put yo hands down,

If you smell like you been At work all day and your car, please put your hands down,

Now look up at the pinky fingers that Are still in the air, if you see him ashy around the knuckles, like the nigga wash half of his Hands and lotion three quarters of his body, please say put yo hands down,

If yo spinnin rims Spin counter clockwise, you are not pimpin,

If you are dancin on the dancefloor and you look to Yo left and yo right and you do not see a woman in sight, guess what you guessed it you are not Pimpin,

If your Vodka and cranberry is really really dark like blood, that's because you did'nt Order Vodka buddy, that's why it's three dollars a glass, put your hands down,

Now look down, I Need everybody to pull up your pants leg one time ok, you see the nigga wit the white socks NOT PIMPIN! ,

Sorry unless you tryna do the Beat It entorauge,

If your shoes have a buckle On, your not pimpin

Grooving to :: Ludacris * Pimpin' All Over The World
Hit Them